Manage Projects

On the App’s home screen, you can see all the projects you have added so far. Just tap the plus icon at the top-right area of the top bar to add a new project. You can long press and existing project to either remove it or clearing it’s cache.

Adding a Project

If you want to add a project, you first have to decide where the project you want to add is located. If you pick a cloud storage provider other than iCloud, you have to explicitly authenticate first to allow our App to connect to your cloud storage.

  • Device/iCloud: You have to pick the project’s folder which contains the game.rmmzproject project file. You an do so by navigating into the folder and tap “Open”. You cannot and don’t have to select game.rmmzproject file directly.

  • Other Cloud Storages: You have to pick the game.rmmzproject which is located inside the project’s folder.

Project Cache

By default, assets are cached inside an internal temporary folder to avoid that assets have to be downloaded over the network over and over again. Under certain circumstance, it might be useful to clear the cache. For example, if you device has only very limited storage capacity or to fix potential bugs.


At the top-left of the top-bar you can see a Logout button which is only active if the App is still connected to any cloud storages you gave it access to. If you press Logout then the App will drop and forget all active sessions and you have to authenticate again. You can also decide to clear the cache which will clear all cached data the App stored on the device. See also Security Settings.